Italy 2025 | Core Standards
Concert ready core standards
All notes/pitches, rhythms, and text are thoroughly learned and singable with confidence and reasonable projection (volume)
Choristers have copied the conductors performance notes IN THEIR SCORE OR TABLET to ensure a consistent application of interpretation
Choristers are able to sing with accuracy the performance notes, written dynamics, and indicated articulations of the music
Choristers can sing each anthem at the performance tempo indicated
During February and early March, all choral participants, particularly international IFC alumni or guest choristers, will be asked to submit audio recordings of portions of the repertoire to ensure concert ready preparation
The IFC conductor retains the option to release a registered chorister if their preparation is not up to the core standards; in such a case, the registration deposit will be refunded
For IFC Choral participants
IFC choristers are expected to have choral ensemble experience and are able to read music (see definition below)
These standards apply to members who are registered in the IFC Spring 2025 season
Attendance at weekly Tuesday rehearsals as per the usual attendance expectations
Italy repertoire (select pieces) will be incorporated into the May 2025 concert, therefore we will rehearse some of the Italy repertoire in rehearsal
The Italy cohort will likely have additional rehearsal time similar to Chamber Choir in the same schedule we currently follow for Main Choir and Chamber Choir
The IFC Italy cohort can expect an auxiliary Saturday rehearsal (one Sat. rehearsal at minimum) to be concert ready
IFC choristers are expected to learn the music as per the concert preparation core standards stated above
IFC choristers may be asked to submit audio recordings of portions of the repertoire to ensure concert ready preparation
All choral participants, IFC members, alumni, and guest choristers on or off-island, will have access to rehearsal and learning aides, similar to what is customarily shared with choristers during our concert seasons; these resources include audio demos of each anthem, and usually additional aides such as part recordings and/or piano accompaniment
For SG-based guest choristers in other ensembles
Guest choristers from other ensembles must have choral ensemble experience and are able to read music
'Able to read music' means knowledge of the lines and spaces of treble and bass clefs, basic music notation (whole, half, quarter, 8th, 16th notes & rests) dynamics and other music symbols commonly appearing in scores, and the ability to sing the steps and intervals of your vocal line while following the score; reading music does not imply perfection in sight-singing, which is a different skill set; reading music implies the ability to follow your vocal line, recognizing and singing the notated steps and intervals while understanding basic music symbols in the score
Italy repertoire rehearsals will commence in January and end late March prior to our departure; a schedule will be announced in advance of January
Where possible, on-island guest choristers will attend as many of the weekly rehearsals as possible
Depending upon how many rehearsals are scheduled, guest choristers should expect to attend half of the rehearsals as a minimum; this will likely be at least 4 rehearsals on Tuesday evenings or a Saturday afternoon
SG-based guest choristers are expected to learn the music as per the concert preparation core standards stated above
SG-based guest choristers will be asked to submit audio recordings of portions of the repertoire to ensure concert ready preparation, unless the learning of the music has been adequately demonstrated in the attendance of most of the rehearsals
All choral participants, IFC members, alumni, and guest choristers on or off-island, will have access to rehearsal and learning aides, similar to what is customarily shared with choristers during our concert seasons; these resources include audio demos of each anthem, and usually additional aides such as part recordings and/or piano accompaniment
International guest choristers
International guest choristers are also expected to have choral ensemble experience and are able to read music (see definition above)
International guest choristers must be able to learn the music independently on their own; this is a crucial requirement for guest choristers off-island
If it is possible for international guest choristers to join 1-2 rehearsals in Singapore at any time between January and March, this is ideal
If not, international guest choristers will join the Italy cohort in Venice and be expected to have music unequivocally learned to the stated standard of concert readiness
International guest choristers will be asked to submit audio recordings of portions of the repertoire to ensure concert ready preparation
All choral participants, IFC members, alumni, and guest choristers on or off-island, will have access to rehearsal and learning aides, similar to what is customarily shared with choristers during our concert seasons; these resources include audio demos of each anthem, and usually additional aides such as part recordings and/or piano accompaniment​​​