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Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.

- Maria von Trapp

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"Since Day One everyone at IFC has been nothing but supportive and welcoming as theyhelped me learn and grow in this very fun world of singing. One that I'm now enjoying quite a lot! This is a community first and foremost, and one that I've been so happy to become a part of."

Chaz Lively


Registration is now open for the Spring 2025 concert season. If you would like to express your interest for the Spring 2025 concert season please click here.


Registration for the Spring 2025 season closes on January 28th.


IFC exists specifically for people wanting an excellent choral experience in an international setting. We are a choral family who inspire and engage our community with our passion

for singing and performing.


IFC is a non-auditioned chorus, however, we hold choral interviews with prospective members to ensure basic singing skills. Prospective members may attend a regular rehearsal to get a feel for the IFC experience.

Thank you for your interest in singing with International Festival Chorus!  We look forward to being in touch with you soon! 

If you have any additional question please contact us here




Member expectations

  • Singers must be able to match pitch

  • Members should have some experience singing in a choral ensemble

  • Members should be able to recognize basic music notation and follow a music score

  • Rehearsal attendance

    • Members are expected to attend all rehearsals

    • Minimum of 75% attendance is expected for concert participation

    • Final 3 rehearsals are critical as these focus on concert readiness; these 3 rehearsals are mandatory

    • Attendance at the dress rehearsal is mandatory

  • Travel and illness absences are understood and excused

  • When absent, members communicate in advance with section leaders

  • Registration fees are S$220 per season; S$150 concession for seniors (over 65) and students

  • Music scores are distributed digitally as links - print music is distributed at rehearsal

  • Note that IFC repertoire may include music from the standard repertoire of classical, sacred works, and may include some religious texts

  • Members print their own scores and place in a binder or folder suitable for choral rehearsals

  • Singers are responsible for purchasing their own concert attire

    • Men usually wear a long-sleeved, collared, black Oxford shirt with tie

    • Women usually wear a long black skirt / dress trousers and blouse

    • Attire details are shared with choristers at the start of each season


Two ensembles to choose from

  • IFC Main Chorus

    • Membership by choral interview

    • Singers must be able to match pitch

    • Members have some experience singing in a choir​​

    • Sing a simple rhythm and demonstrate tonal memory

    • Members are able to recognize basic music notation and follow a music score

    • Members sing a majority of the repertoire

    • 75% minimal rehearsal attendance to sing the concert

  • Chamber Choir​

    • Membership by audition

    • Singers can match pitch, sing a simple rhythm and demonstrate tonal memory

    • Members follow and/or read music

    • Singers have choral experience

    • Members can learn music independently

    • Will sing a set passage of music

    • Members sing all main chorus repertoire plus additional Chamber Choir repertoire

    • 80% minimal rehearsal attendance to sing the concert


Choral interviews with the conductor are held by appointment in June, July and August prior to the start of a new season. Interview process is as follows:


  • Sing a song of your choosing, may be any style or genre

  • Bring a recording or audio file and you will sing along to a track; or bring a copy of the music

  • Conductor will determine your vocal range, voice part and pitch matching

  • Introduce yourself briefly, your singing and music reading experience 

  • Interview is with the IFC conductor, Tom Anderson and an IFC section leader

  • After a successful interview, an IFC section leader will contact you to invite you to submit your membership registration and season payment



Performance Schedule

  • IFC usually holds two performance seasons with concerts in May and December

  • Spring season is January to May with a concert in May with rehearsals starting in January

  • The chorus usually breaks for the summer months, June-July and resumes rehearsals in August for the winter season

  • Winter season rehearsals are August to December with a concert in December



Vaccination Protocols

Current government and MOH guidelines do not require vaccination documentation but IFC requests this information in the event that government protocols change and we are required to know the vaccination status of our members as a Society. All such documentation is confidential and known only to IFC officers. 




Rehearsals: Weekly on Tuesdays, 7:30 - 10:00 pm

Venue:  UWCSEA Dover Campus, 1207 Dover Road, Singapore 139654














©2023 by International Festival Chorus

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